I’m happy to post yet another Whole30 compliant recipe. It’s been such a long time I haven’t had any wild caught salmon so when we saw Walmart carrying a sustainable wild caught salmon at their frozen section, we snatched couple bags like nobody’s business.

Garlic Lemon Curry Salmon (makes about 4 servings)
4 wild caught salmon fillets

1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper powder
1 garlic bulb – minced
1 lemon – peeled

2 heaping tsp grass-fed ghee
1 tsp yellow curry paste

Bunch of dried chives

1. Wash and pat dry the salmon fillet with paper towel. Lightly season with salt and pepper. Line them on an oven safe baking dish.

2. Heat 2 tsp ghee on skillet in medium heat.

3. Sautee the minced garlic and the curry paste until fragrant – about 1 minute. Mix in the dried chives.

4. Pour the garlic-ghee mixture on top of the salmon fillet then topped with sliced lemon.

5. Set your oven to broil then cook the salmon uncovered in 400°F for about 15-20 minutes.

Super easy and yummy to the tummy 🙂

See, being on Whole30 isn’t that hard, right?

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